Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fish Fish Fish

Lately i've sorta picked up a part time job working on our web site. It's been really motivating, I can actually say I really enjoy it! At first I thought there'd be no way, I can barely handle the accounting and finances as it is with Ben around, but it's actually been a really sweet deal cause Josh has no time for anything so by helping him I free up some of his time to help me. I say Deal! Anyway if you wanna check it out or you're actually interested in getting some fish for a tank or whatever here it is

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Park City

Ben loved the pool. We took him down every day and left long after he was pruned.

We went Tubing down the Provo River, took a run down the alpine slides, went to a ski jump show, played baseball and pool, slept, ate, swam, and relaxed.

My nieces were such a help as well as everyone else. Ben loved having a lot of people around. Ever since i've been home he's just not the same. He's back to being the Ben I'm used to. Thanks mom and dad this trip was greatley needed.