Friday, August 8, 2008

Nothing but a diaper

So you've probably noticed Ben hasn't been wearing clothes lately. That's kind of our new thing around here. For one thing, I run out of clean clothes before my weekly laundry day, and for another, I just don't see the point. In this photo I took him outside to play with the hose. I noticed how much he loved it when I tried to take him away to go inside one day and he screamed his head off. So this time I just let him hang out for awhile until he figured out his new trick, drinking out of it. So now he probably looks like a neglected naked boy that pretty much takes care of his own needs.


Dijea said...

OMG, you must only have one kid. I have more laundry days than not.

Brady + Marsha said...

That is hilarious. I can't believe he'll actually drink the water. He is so funny.

jen hulet said...

Ben is so cute of course! I love how he drinks water from a hose!!
P.S. Maybe Ben will never crawl, he may just go straight to walking!

Matt, Laura, Tyce said...

Babys love being naked, so why not let them?! He looks so cute, we've got to get him and Tyce together for a play date soon. I hope Tyce doesn't beat on him though;) J/K. Tyce loves drinking water from a hose too, so they have that in common. Maybe we'll just stick them outside with a hose and leave them for awhile:D J/K.

Jordan High Class of 2003 said...

JHS 2003 5 year reunion - TOMORROW Saturday August 16
11am - 2:30pm
Quarry Bend Park (the old gravel pit off of 9400 S.).
Bring your own food and come to hang out and visit.
See you there!