Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I still remember Our first Valentines day together. It's actually still my favorite one yet although it you wouldn't think it by the story.
I had just gotten my wisdom teeth removed and I had 3 cold sores all over my face. My entire face was swollen and i looked terrible. Josh got me an i choo choo choose you box of chocolates and a couple disney movies and we spent the day together watching movies. Maybe it was my favorite because of all the drugs I was on, because there wasn't even any kissing involved. But needless to say I will never forget it. I think he definitely implemented true love that day. I was scary!!!

Josh gets me a huge bouquet of flowers every year and always leaves the price tag on so I can see how much it would of cost if he didn't get it for free. His business is next to the flowerama and he gives them extra parking for free flowers for all special occasions. I think it's much cooler that he gets them for free.
Ben loved the flowers. He spent 20 minutes walking around smelling every single one.


Brady + Marsha said...

I like that he leaves the tag on the flowers. Ben is so cute standing by them.

Paula said...

My kids loved the valentine cards Ben sent. We loved his cute coloring on the owls. What a fun mom you are.