Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Who do you love? I have to say Josh the most, and anybody who likes to babysit my boy Ben, ha ha. And of course I love Ben too.
How long have you been married? 3 Years
Who said I love you first? Josh after about 2 months. But he's wanted to since the 7th grade. Whenever I used to walk by him in school he would always say to his friends "She will be mine. "After our first date he went home and told Debra (his mom) that he found the girl he was going to marry.
How long did you date? 3 years
Where did he propose? Besides the fact that we talked about it all the time...In a raft on his lake, but while he was going to put it on my finger he tripped and the ring fell into the lake. He dove in after it, and didn't come back up for a really long time. I think he was considering not coming back up. After all that I later found out it was a total scam and that the real ring was in the car the whole time. So I guess that's where he officially sealed the deal.
Who is taller? Josh, but he wishes I was
Who is smarter? Josh is smarter but i'm less scatterbrained
Who does the laundry? Me always, it's the only thing i don't even want help with.
Who pays the bills? I do, but mostly they pay themselves online
Who mows the lawn? Me, and an occasional Josh
Who cooks dinner? I do unless it's a grilled cheese, or eggs and toast. Josh is killer at those.
Who drives? Me, definitely, Josh hates it and I get sick otherwise. Not because Josh is a bad driver, I get sick with anybody.

So i guess i'm supposed to tag someone now, so that'll be Kim Mcdougal!!! Have Fun

1 comment:

{Kim} said...

Just what I've always wanted!