Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yumm Yumm!

The day has come!!! Ben is now eating , or at least trying to eat, rice cereal. He still makes grossed out faces sometimes, but as long as I let him practically feed himself he'll do it. He thinks it's more fun that way. He can even almost take a bottle all by himself. Today he kept rolling over and every time he'd get to his stomache he'd cry, so i'd roll him back and he'd roll back over and cry, so i'd roll him back and it kept going on like this for like 10 minutes. Funny stuff.

On another note. Josh can't watch me feed him or he'll get sick. He said, "Once it's been in his mouth and comes out it's throw up." Just thought that was funny. He wouldn't last one second on fear factor.


jeffandlorraine said...

He is the cutest little thing!!! He could be a little baby model!

Brigitte said...

Josh is only saying that to get out of feeding the baby.... don't believe him. ;) Next thing you know he'll be telling you that he can't change the diapers cuz it makes him sick too!!